Punjab Maryam Nawaz launched the Apni Chhat Apna Ghar 2nd Phase to assist families who wish to build a house but lack the funds to do so. The scheme has recently opened registration, with many applicants submitting their applications. After applying, they received a manual message through the Balloting Results List to release the lists of people. The scheme has been extended to 36 districts, with different people included in each list. Many applicants who were not qualified for registration will now be processed. Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has announced that the second phase of the scheme should begin, and registration will now include those who have completed the PSER survey and wish to get a loan after registration. The aim is to help families who dream of owning a house but lack the financial means to do so.
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Reasons for Disqualification or Unanswered Applications:
The information provided is disqualified, and if you want to apply again, please ensure your information is correct. The information provided is based on the information provided in the previous application. To process your registration and receive the loan amount, follow the instructions provided on the website. You may or may not be included in this scheme. The information provided is essential for the successful processing of your application and loan amount.
The PSER survey may not have been completed, and a high poverty score may affect eligibility. Existing loans from banks may affect eligibility, and incorrect information may result in no confirmation message being received. It’s crucial to ensure all necessary documents are provided.
New Eligibility Criteria For 2nd Phase
The eligibility criteria for registration have been updated, requiring individuals to verify their eligibility before registering to ensure a successful registration process.
Application Process for Punjabi Plots
- Possess a five-marla plot in the city and a ten-marla plot in the village area.
- Have a poverty score of less than 40%.
- Have not taken any bank loans.
- Submit complete application information.\ Include two passport-size photographs and an identity card.
- A resident of Punjab.
- Complete the PSER survey.
- Update house information and be a filer.
Registration Process For Apni Chhat Apna Ghar in 2nd Phase
To register for a loan, visit the official ACAG website and click on the registration button. Fill out the registration form with your full name, National Identity Card number, parentage or marriage, father and husband ID card numbers, and email address. Enter your mobile number, Tehsil city name, and password. Provide your passport and password. Write about your business, what you do, and the amount of land in your name. Take two photos of famous places near the ground and upload your ID card photos. Upload your land documents and click on the submit button. The registration process is easy and ensures you will be assured of a loan. After completing the registration process, you will be able to apply for a loan.
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Who Can Apply For This Scheme
This scheme allows anyone who meets the eligibility criteria and is in dire need of a loan of Rs 15 Lakhs through their chhat apna ghar, to apply for the loan. After applying in the second step, the loan amount will be assured soon. The scheme is designed to help those in need of financial assistance and is available for those who need a loan. To apply, individuals must meet the eligibility criteria and wait for a confirmation message. The article on the website provides more information on how to apply for a loan of Rs 15 Lakhs. Before availing of the loan, individuals must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria to be assured of the loan.
This article provides instructions on how to register for a loan scheme and determine if you are included. After completing the registration process, you will be informed about your eligibility criteria and the loan you will be offered. If the borrower reviews your location, they will inform you which loan you will be offered first. Once you receive the first installment of the loan, you can continue to receive the rest without any issues. For more information, follow the instructions provided on the website. After registering, you can check your eligibility and be assured of loan provision. The article provides complete information on the loan scheme and the loan process.